- understand and make sense of what they learn;
- create meaning and make their own ideas.
- focus on the meaning of what they have learn;
- try to develop their own understanding;
- relate ideas together and make connections with previous experiences;
- ask themselves questions about what they're learning, discuss their ideas with others and enjoy comparing different perspectives;
- are likely to explore the subject beyond the immediate requirements;
- are likely to have positive emotions about learning. Another area which facilitates understanding is the surface approach
When Learners are taking a surface approach the aim is:
- to reproduce information to meet external (assessment) demands;
- to meet requirements minimally, and appear to be focused on passing the assessment instead of (rather than as well as) learning.
The impact of (ICT) on students learning ability cannot be over emphasized, why? This is because of the following reasons:
(ICT) enable students to be connected to world find information regarding their worldviews (ICT) enable students to get academics learning materials through the popular such engine, such as google etc.
(ICT) makes teaching and learning simpler and easier.